Today, we'll see the "Jellybean", a large dollhouse Jerry built me from scratch to keep me busy. Unfotunately, the Jellybean has met with an accident and is patiently waiting for me to rebuild it. Once I get to it, many of the rooms will receive a complete new look. Here is what it used to look like, though:
master bedroom:

The picture on the right wall is a miniaturized picture from our vow renewal in June 2004. The lampshade is made from a cover from a tube at the doctor's lab. They came in to take my blood and I asked for a tube in return. She thought I was crazy, til I told her why I wanted it! Now, whenever she sees me, I get one automatically! The wedding dress I made in an online class a few years ago. I no longer remember who taught the class, so I can't give proper credit.
Eddie's room:
When Jerry told me he was building this monster-huge house for me, I got very excited. The kids have all been bugging to make them their own mini bedrooms and this house gave me the chance. I let each of them choose wallpaper, etc. for their rooms. Eddie had wanted flames, but we couldn't find anything he liked. So, he settled for this paper. He also insisted that his mini room be messy like his real room.

Melaina's room:
Melaina LOVES Point of Grace, a Christian pop band. So, her room has a lot of pictures of them, all their "cd's", etc. Melaina made the yellow teddy bear herself out of fimo. She is becoming quite the miniaturist herself!

Ashleigh's room:
Ash's favorite book as a little girl was Good Night Moon. She still has a copy of that book that she loves and she wanted it included in her room. So, I made a miniature version of it - printed thoughout. There is also a plate of spaghetti in there, because it's her favorite food. Her love of butterflies is reflected in the quilt on the wall and also the butterfly on the wall.

Katrina's room:
Katrina is Jerry's daughter, whom we rarely get to see. Not knowing a lot about her, I just went for a little girl's look. The bed in this picture was eventually replaced, but I don't have a new pic.

I bought the cupboards off of ebay. When the house is rebuilt, I plan to put food on the plates. There is now corned beef and cabbage in a pan on the stove. This room is going to undergo a lot of changes when the house is done.

Living Room:
The pic on the wall is my Dad and his brother when they were very small. The tv is a salt and pepper shaker I found at an antique shop. I've since seen them on ebay for double what I paid for this one.

Memory Room:
There are so many fun things in this room!!! It won't be a memory room when the house is rebuilt, because I now have a memory house and many of these things have been moved to it. But, I'll tell you what you're seeing. In the middle of the top shelf of the hutch is a replica of my Dad's box of ashes. He passed away when I was 11, and my five brothers and sisters were all younger than me. Mom had him cremated and we kept his ashes at home, which was a great comfort to us all. The other object on the top shelf is a miniaturized version of my brothers memorial card. He passed away in 2004 from lupus. The small brown object on the "counter" of the hutch is a replica of a small wooden box we bought Dad for his last Father's Day - it says "Dad" on the top of it. Not seen in this picture, but next to the chair are some Trixie Belden books. I loved this series as a young girl - still do to this day. I made a couple miniature versions. In the Memory house, I have mini versions of the first six books in the series, made by Grace from TreeFeathers. I love her books - she is so talented! On the wall between the windows is a picture of my brother (the one who passed away in 04) and I. The drawing on the left wall is a mini version of a drawing that was done of my husband and his brothers when they were young. There's also a pic of Jerry and I, as well as mini McDonalds ad.

Ok, so this picture shows the Trixie books! You can also see the trunk and the table in this one, so I can continue to tell you why some things are in this room. The cowboy hat in the trunk is another memory of Shawn, it's just like the one he always wore, as you can see in the picture. There's a pic of the McDonalds where Jerry and I met, as well as the first house we lived in. A mini wedding album is by the chair, and the table holds a lot of pics of the kids, us, etc. The teapot and silver tea set is a memory of drinking tea with my Gran the last time we were at her house. Jerry's mom has always had gumball machines, which is why I included one in here.

This room was done just to give me a place to put a bunch of items I received in a log cabin swap! LOL Unfortunately, I no longer remember who made what, or even what group it was for.

Game room:
Checkers, Pac Man, air hockey, pool and ping pong, they have it all!

Put it all together!
This is an interior view of the entire house, to give you an idea how big it is.